Sunday, February 03, 2013

Automatic Start Downloading when IDM start

By default there is no option in Internet Download Manager to automatically start downloading when Download Manager start in Option, but using Queue it is possible to do so.

First of all clear with terminology. Queue is the list of pending downloads. Main Download Queue is what ever downloads link is added normally (either using Add URL or by Drop Target or by Automatically Captured by IDM).

To automatically start downloading with Internet Download Manager start follow these steps.

Step 1. Create a list of all downloads which you want to add to Auto Start Downloading Category, drag all to Main Download Queue.
Step 2. Right click on Main Download Queue in Main Window and then select Edit Queue
 Step 3. Under Schedule tab, tick on Start Download on IDM Startup, and then press Apply.
 And its done, now whenever your Internet Download Manager Client will be started download will be automatically started. 
If you want to configure number of Simultaneous go to Files in the queue tab, and change it to what you want it to be.
If you are facing any problem, please comment here, and be get helped.

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