Saturday, September 29, 2012

Let Internet work for you//

Do you love recipes, of course you don't being a techy guy. But here is a recipe which ingredients are Facebook, Blogger, LinkedIn, Email, RSS, Craiglist, Twitter, BitLy, DropBox, Delicious, Last.Fm, or any other popular service you remember (Total 52). Your recipe is that it will make internet work for you. IFTTT is a service that lets you create powerful connections with one simple statement.

Trigger : The This part of recipe is Trigger, triggers are if you posted on your blog, or uploaded a file on your Dropbox, Instagrammed, or You check in Foursquare.
Action : The that that part of recipe is Action, it defines what have to be done, when trigger is triggered, means update your Facebook status, Tweet, Make a blog post, or any thing else.

You can even On/Off these recipe any time.

Here is demonstration how to create a recipe that will Update Your Facebook status, when you make a blog post.

Step 1. First of all register youself at this site, I'm skipping this part, as registration process is so normal like registering on any site. Here is how start page will look like.
 Step 2. Create a New Recipe, start page, time to select trigger .
Step 3. I've choose Blogger, you can select any what you want. Time to authorize it to access my Google Account. (Believe this site, just because it is secured)
Step 4. Time to choose Trigger activity. In my case I want automatically update my Facebook Page Status, whenever I make a new post, so I choose A New Post.
 Step 5. Time to choose that part, means Action when trigger is triggered.

Step 6. Here is list of all the 51 services, except Blogger, because thats the Trigger. I want to update my Facebook Page Status (Not Facebook User Account, Facebook Page and Facebook User are two different things)
Again same authorization process, which is just simple, all you gotta do is to select appropriate page, to which you want to update.
Step 7. Here are Three option Available, 1. If you want to update your Status as Normal Text, 2. If you want to post link of your blog post, 3. You want to put image from your post in any specified album.
Too bad, what I actually want it to do is that it will update my Facebook Page Status with Title as Status + Link to my post, so I continue with 1. Create a Status Message
 Step 7. But BINGO, here is the same option as I want it to do, and also it can include label of my post, well this is my first post after creating recipe so I have no idea yet, how it will look like on Facebook.
Step 8. Ingredients Done! Time To Cook!!! Now everything is set, and Internet is ready to work for me. From now I don't need to update my Facebook Status manually, many time I miss that, which I don't want

Remark -
Although concept of site is Good, but few things to Notice, This Site is for 18+ only, and I've no idea why, there is no explicit content, and if it is for the sake, that user will not break other Channel's 18+ law, then it doesn't make any sense, because if other channel have such policy, then user will not use that, but this service is still forcing.
Recipes can be turn on/off any time. But our food will not cook instantly, this site regularly keep checking if the Trigger is triggered after 1 hour period, which need to be improved.
Rest try yourself, and comment here.

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