On my laptop I am permanently using Windows 8 Release Preview, I also found few bugs, and I reported that. Since I've mostly all browser installed in my system (Maxthon, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera). I've just noticed after setting my browser Google Chrome as default, I lost my Windows 8 Internet Explorer 10 (formerly Metro Internet Explorer 10). And this is how I just recover it, it's a simple process.
Step 1. Go to Start Screen and look for Default Programs
Step 2. Now choose Set Your Default Programs
Step 3. Look for Internet Explorer in left Programs pane, and choose here Set This Program as Default.
Step 4. and guess what it's done, check your Start Screen now.
Tags: Get Internet Explorer 10 metro tile in Windows 8 , Internet Explorer is starting to Desktop in start screen, Internet Explorer 10 is not working,
Internet Explorer 10 Metro is not working,
Internet Explorer 10 is lost